Member Support ~ Linux Admin User Guide ~ MS Frontpage Configuration

0. Before install the Frontpage extension on any virtual domain. The virtual domain must be setup in the web server. Please refer Virtual Domain Setup for configure new virtual domain.

1. Execute the admin program at /usr/local/frontpage/version4.0/bin/fpsrvadm.exe

2. Select (1) for install Frontpage extension on Virtual Domain
Type "fpsrvadm -h" for help on command line options

Please enter command:
0) quit
1) install
2) upgrade
3) uninstall
4) check and fix
5) enable authoring
6) disable authoring
7) change security settings
8) recalculate links
9) delete
10) rename
11) set directory executable
12) set directory no executable
13) putfile
14) recalcfile
15) create a subweb
16) merge a subweb into its parent web
17) full uninstall of all FrontPage information
18) chown
Your choice [1]: 1

3. Select (0) for the type of the web-server, and type the Web Server configure file.

Please enter server type:
0) apache
1) apache-fp
2) ncsa
3) netscape-enterprise
4) netscape-fasttrack
5) stronghold
Your choice [0]: 0
Enter server config filename: /opt/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

4. Enter the virtual domain name. say: and the username for handle this Web Site.

Enter host name for multi-hosting []:

Enter UNIX username []: username 

Enter UNIX group []: groupname

User name to add to FrontPage group "administrators" [administrator]: admin

Password for user "admin": password

Confirm password: password

Creating web
Chowning Content in service root web
Chmoding Extensions in service root web


Port Install completed.

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Tel: (852) 2409-8602    Fax: (852) 2408-8632    E-mail: